HSR Connect module
The complete control system can be monitored or modified on your Smartphone or tablet by means of the HSR Connect module. In 2019 we centralised the control system. This allows you to use the HSR Connect module to modify or monitor the system.We have for the first time consolidated all the relevant cooling technology parameters with all the drying values. This means that you can control and monitor comfortably from the sofa.

Everything digital
Everything digital
With the introduction of the control system in 2019 for the first time all the relevant refrigeration technology parameters, (manometer, drier status, etc.) and all the values relevant to drying, such as hay humidity, hay temperature, wind speed, were digitalised and collated in a central control system..
Android and iOS
Android and iOS
The HSR Connect module allows you to use the control system via a Smartphone (mobile phone) or tablet, using the iOS (Apple) or Android (Samsung, Sony, LG, Huawei, etc.) operating systems. System requirements: iOS 7.0 or higher or Android 7.0 or higher
SIM card, LAN or WLAN
SIM card, LAN or WLAN
HSR Connect, which is installed in the control system, can be operated by means of a SIM card with data tariff, LAN or WLAN. Because of the many kinds of connection possibilities we offer a simple, cost-effective solution for the use of the remote control system for (almost) every farm.
As well as the convenient control of your hay drying plant, the HSR Connect module offers you a range of other advantages:
Fast, cost-effective help in the event of breakdown
The HSR Connect module allows you to give an HSR service technician access to your control system. This has the major advantage that you can find help quickly, if there is a malfunction and no call-up charges will be invoiced. Digitalisation of the control system allows the HSR technician to have an immediate picture of the possible error source, almost as if he were standing next to you in the barn.
Secure data encryption
HSR Connect is protected by data encryption from access by third parties. Only users, who have knowledge of the access data are authorised to have sight of your control system and to undertake modifications.